Floodsax Alternative Sandbags - Pack of 5

SKU: FL-151-140


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Flooding causes untold misery and many people’s first thoughts are sandbags – but many are unaware that councils have no legal responsibility to provide them to homes or businesses and that it's is up to them to work out how to stop flooding which could cause serious damage to their property and livelihoods.


The Environment Agency says home and business owners – especially those in flood risk areas - need to sort out their own flood protection to prevent flooding and FloodSax alternative sandbags are the best sandbag-style flood barriers when it comes to flood mitigation with more than 2.5 million now sold worldwide.

Also known as sandless sand bags, they are space-saving to store and quick and easy to deploy - even at times of flash flooding - for instant flood protection.  

These alternative sandbags are incredibly cost-effective flood mitigation as the damage caused by flooding in any property usually runs into many thousands of pounds. They are the ideal solution for people asking 'how do I stop flooding in my home or business?'